
CyberSure from CyberSight offers a centrally managed security platform enabling visibility, control and protection.

Vulnerability Management

Not doing regular scanning can leave businesses exposed to unknown threats on their network, without the visibility and knowledge to enable them to prevent potential incidents. Regular scanning ensures that any new risks introduced by changes to the environment or new vulnerabilities are picked up and dealt with quickly. CyberSure from CyberSight, simply put, is designed to alleviate work load on IT teams, take away the requirement for staff to sift through pages upon pages of confusing data, and significantly reduce the risk levels facing our customers. We then deliver focussed information, on key vulnerabilities and risk areas, with highlighted impacts and information on how to remediate. This means that our customers are able to fix the critical issues faster, meaning they are more secure, whilst giving the IT team more time to focus on other critical projects.

Enhanced Endpoint Protection

Utilising next generation signatureless End Point Protection, we provide the most advanced End Point Security. You no longer have to rely on your vendor creating hundreds of thousands of signatures, or even have to run weekly or daily updates impacting the performance of your endpoints. With the CyberSure EPP Service, we know what makes a file or process bad, and stop it immediately. Whether it’s a known or unknown attack, utilising best of breed solutions, the EPP service provides unrivalled efficacy and protection over all of your endpoints.

Proactive Monitoring & Alerting

The CyberSure Proactive Monitoring and Alerting Service delivers fully managed security alerting, comprising threat hunting and anomaly detection. Proactive alerts enable customers to have a quick resolution prior to a major incident, as well as offering post breach remediation, offering visibility into what has happened, giving the team the ability to remediate quickly.


Gain full visibility, prioritisation, and remediation details of cyber risks

Package includes:

  • Vulnerability Management


Bronze plus; Secure your endpoints and servers with fully managed Next Generation End Point Protection

Package includes:

  • Vulnerability Management
  • Enhanced Endpoint Protection


Bronze and Silver plus; Extend the team with Proactive Monitoring and Alerting, threat hunting, and visibility over anomalous behaviour

Package includes:

  • Vulnerability Management
  • Enhanced Endpoint Protection
  • Proactive Monitoring & Alerting